Brazil celebrates 125 years without slavery, or does it?
The 13th of May this year it was exactly 125 years since the "Lei Á urea" (The golden law) was signed by Princess Isabel in 1888. Slavery was thereby declared abolished in Brazil. Since I am currently living here I thought it would be a great experience to see how Brazil celebrates this day, but I ran into some obstacles along the way. First of all, it was very difficult to even find an event. In my mind I had pictured a big parade but the only event I could find was at UERJ, the state university of Rio de Janeiro. Secondly it was even more difficult to find the precise location of the event when I arrived at the university. Neither the students nor the teachers had even heard about it. Finally, with a lot of help, I found it and to my disappointment there were only between 20-40 people attending. The event consisted of a demonstration of an afro-Brazilian folk dance and a panel discussion about education, racism and affirmative action. Furthermor...