Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

On the 7th September 1822 Brazil announced its”Independence Day”.

As history tells us, Portugal reigned over Brazil and it was actually the King of Portugal (Dom Pedro I, nicknamed “the Liberator”) who declared in the ‘Grito do Ipiranga’: “By my blood, by my honor and by God: I will make Brazil free.” Now that is a man of his word.
No need to tell that Brazilians are masters in celebrating. They are usually having big parades on the 7th.  September and this year is no exception. The parade counts this year 6321 people divided among 4664 military and 1657 civilians. It is starting with the passage of historic flags , followed by the first group to be the Ex-Combatants of the armed force followed by the ‘Marinha do Brasil’ (the Navy), the Army, the Airforce, the Military Police, the Salvamar (Coast Guard) and last but not least schools and civil institutions.
All by all a powerful commemoration of a historic event.

Written by Marie-Julie de Meyere


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