Intern at the Danish Embassy in Brasilia

Since the beginning of February, I have worked as an intern at the political section at the Danish embassy in Brasilia, where I will be until the end of July. Not one day is the same at the embassy I work 37 hours per week from Monday to Friday, but that is also almost the only thing that is certain. My permanent assignments are to follow the Brazilian medias for news about Denmark and keep myself updated on other topics that could be relevant to Denmark. Moreover, I receive daily assignments from the Minister Counsellor, the Cultural officer or one of the two growth advisors. So far I have been working with such different things as Zika, Brazil´s economy, an exhibition about Danish architecture and research on IT and health. Moreover, I am participating in a lot of lectures that the embassy is invited to or that the Universities are arranging. Some of the topics have been Brazilian campaign financing, Brazilian decision-making processes regarding international relation and Br...