It is a tradition here at Brazilian Studies to throw a Christmas party each year in December where all semesters, former students, professors and Brazilian friends are invited to come celebrate the arrival of Christmas and the end of the semester. Each year a new group of people arrange the festivity, which means that every party can be different from the last. Last year our party included a traditional Danish Christmas buffet with potatoes and gravy, a type of meatballs called “frikadeller”, roast beef, rice pudding and cherry sauce. There was Christmas music and a game, which included dices, cheap gifts, a timer and a whole lot of excitement. This year our brand new 1 st semester was in charge of the planning. When we arrived we were greeted with Brazilian snacks ( homemade pão de queijo and pastéis) and a nice cold beer. For dinner they had cooked a very nice feijoada with rice, crisps, vinagrete, farofa and a salad. Under our plates they had placed a note with a ...